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    C: \ Security & Privacy \ Access Control \ BPACLer \ Author

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    BPACLer - Author Info Page

    Description: View all allow and deny access control entries from the ACL ... (more)

    Author Info for BPACLer

    Author/Company Name: BPSoftware.com

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.bpsoftware.com

    Programs listed: 5

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    AddrMon iconAddrMon   (Downloads: 350)
    Network utility to ping, monitor or traceroute single multiple remote hosts. AddrMon is a network tool that can be used to debug or monitor a network or see if host computers are online. Addrmon can PING (Packet INternet Groper), Traceroute or Monitor a single or multiple host computers simultaneously. PING a computer to determine whether a particular IP address (host) is reachable online by sending out a packet and waiting for a response. Send a user defined number off ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets at a specified time int...

    APrintDirect iconAPrintDirect   (Downloads: 347)
    Easily print or save a listing of folder (directory) contents. APrintDirect is a feature rich 32-bit utility that allows you to easily print or save a customizable listing of the files contained in any folder (directory) on your computer. APrintDirect is the perfect tool for creating a listing of the files on your CDs, DVDs and disk drives. Using APrintDirect, you can specify the columns and column order that are included in each report. APrintDirect can also print the associated system icons (the same viewed in WindowsВ® Exp...

    AIconExtract iconAIconExtract   (Downloads: 332)
    Easily view, extract and save icon, cursor and bitmap resources from files. Did you realize that there are probably thousands of icons, cursors and bitmap resource images located on your computer? AIconExtract is a handy utility that allows you to extract the images for your own use.
    AIconExtract is a 32-bit utility that was designed to allow you to easily extract icon, cursor and bitmap resource images from the files on your computer. Software developers often include dozens of icon, cursor and bitmap resource images within computer ...

    AFile Attribute Manager iconAFile Attribute Manager   (Downloads: 242)
    View and Modify file/folder date, time and attribute information. AFile Attribute Manager allows for the easy retrieval and setting file and folder date, time and attribute information. With AFile Attribute Manager you can change a file / folder's creation and modification date. Through a user friendly interface AFile Attribute Manager also allows you to change a file / folder's attributes. You can change the Archive, Hidden, Read-Only, System, Compressed and Indexed attributes. AFile Attribute Manager is the utility that keeps ...

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