PC ArendaВ® 2.11.0003 (Downloads: 117)
Registration of the lease arrangements, premises, ground areas, property. The program complex (PC) ArendaВ® is intended for municipalities, large holders of the real estate - premises(rooms), ground areas and other property. Is applied to support of the registry of the lease arrangements and control above their fulfilment. Is used by municipalities of the Moscow area, other locales of Russia, and also commercial organizations. The PC ArendaВ® provides:
* Support of the registries of objects of the lease, leasers, rent payments,...
RMS 1.02.0003 (Downloads: 350)
Program complex the Registry of the municipal property (PC RMS) The program complex (PC) the Registry of the municipal property
1. The operation from a DB in the format is supported:
Microsoft SQL-Server'2000
Microsoft Access'2000 of office package Microsoft Office'2000.
2. The list of objects of property supports possibilities of hierarchical construction of property complexes from parent objects, since the legal persons, as objects of property, up to the ground areas, buildings, their parts, objects of...