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    C: \ Education \ Kids \ Agil's Coloring Book 1.0 \ Author

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    Agil's Coloring Book 1.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: Agil's Coloring Book is a coloring activities program for children... (more)

    Author Info for Agil's Coloring Book 1.0

    Author/Company Name: Priyatna.org

    Country: Indonesia

    Web Site: http://www.priyatna.org/

    Programs listed: 3

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    Web Thumbnailer iconWeb Thumbnailer 1.0   (Downloads: 231)
    Web Thumbnailer is an utility to create graphical snapshot of web pages. Web Thumbnailer is an utility to create graphical snapshot of web pages. It takes a list of URLs as its input and save its output as JPEG or Bitmap images. It has four snapshot types: 1024 x 768, 800 x 600, 1024 width with full-content height, and 800 width with full-content height. It has ability to down-sample images to a specific size. It has also an auto file naming and auto-number prefix features.

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