Wellness 4.4 (Downloads: 480)
Wellness Alternative Medicine Software - Herbs, Homeopathy, Nutrition databases Wellness Software is a vast compilation of known alternative medicine and natural healing therapies! Search quickly or take your time browsing through the large Afflictions (275 entries) and Herbal (540+ herbs) Databases. Also explore Wellness Software's many charts, text files, and mini-databanks on: Homeopathy (70 entries), the Immune System, Parasites, Phytochemicals, Rejuvenation, Tonics, Color Therapy, basic First Aid, Nutrition (Amino Acids, Antioxidants, Vita...
Natural Healing Introduction 2.5 (Downloads: 426)
Describes a variety of alternative medicine and natural healing therapies! The Natural Healing Introduction presents many of today's popular alternative medicine therapies alongside ancient healing traditions and new discoveries. Featured Therapies: Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Autogenic Training, Ayurveda, Biofeedback, Chiropractic Treatment, Color Therapy, Herbs, Homeopathy, Hydrotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Light Therapy, Magnetic Fields, Meditation, Nutrition and Acid-Base Balance, Reflexology, Sound Therapy, Therapeutic Touch, Tissue Salts, ...
Cancer Educational Software 4.6 (Downloads: 408)
Cancer, Conventional, Complementary and Alternative Treatments. Cancer software is an educational tool. Listed are many conventional, complementary, natural and alternative treatments. It does not invite to diagnose, prescribe, or self-medicate. Cancer software lists information, chemicals databank, text files, and alternative options....
Homeopathy 5.6 (Downloads: 742)
Homeopathy lists homeopathic products (Materia Medica) remedies and Cell Salts. Homeopathy Databank of homeopathic remedies and therapeutic options. Homeopathy Software provides a wealth of information in 3 databanks: Afflictions (displays homeopathic remedy charts by affliction and related symptoms), Materia Medica (lists information on specific homeopathic products), and Cell Salts (tissue salts). The shareware version includes an introduction to homeopathy, homeopathic remedy charts for 50 selected Afflictions, and full listing information f...