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    C: \ Security & Privacy \ Encryption Tools \ abylon CRYPTDRIVE 9.50.7 \ Author

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    abylon CRYPTDRIVE 9.50.7 - Author Info Page

    Description: Container-based, encrypted drive to protect your files and programs.. (more)

    Author Info for abylon CRYPTDRIVE 9.50.7

    Author/Company Name: abylonsoft - Dr. Thomas Klabunde

    Country: Deutschland

    Web Site: http://www.abylonsoft.de

    Programs listed: 17

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    abylon BACKUP-TUBE iconabylon BACKUP-TUBE 2014   (Downloads: 412)
    Backs up and synchronizes your files automatically or manually Pictures, videos and documents build the capital of many companies and for private individuals these are a highly valued commodity. This data can easily be lost, either through accidental deletion or system crash. The software abylon BACKUP-TUBE offers help and saves the data in a mirror directory. The backup or synchronization can be performed manually or automatically. To speed up only new and changed files are backed up....

    abylon BASIC iconabylon BASIC 9.50.7   (Downloads: 284)
    Easy CRYPT- und ZIP-Solution for signing, encrypting and compressing of files The protection of your sensitive data is often disregarded. But the encrypting of diaries, pictures or other secret documents with the AES- or Blowfish-Algorithm is relatively simple. With the help of the Easy Encryption Technologie (EEnTe) only few steps are necessary to protect your files. Simple select the files in the File Explorer and open the context-menu with the right mouse button. Then click under the entry 'abylon CRYPT' on the point 'Encrypt' and enter a ...

    abylon SHREDDER iconabylon SHREDDER 10.00.2   (Downloads: 524)
    Delete files, cache, history and many other traces really and irrepealably Working with the computer and browsing in the internet leave numerous digital traces on your computer. The normal functions of the operating system don't delete these traces completely. Special software can recover your documents, fotos, videos and reconstruct your visited internet sites also after some weeks. In order to really delete files, the abylon SHREDDER overwrites the complete data up to 35 times, including the Master File Table (MFT) and the file names. An...

    abylon KEYSAFE iconabylon KEYSAFE 11.00.2   (Downloads: 466)
    Easy to use password management for your secret access data Banking, you email account and the windows logon are only some examples for using a password. Can you keep all this passwords and access data in your mind? The abylon KEYSAFE is a simply password manager to administrate all your secret passwords. You need only one MASTER-password or alternatively an removable media (e. g. memory stick), CD, chip card or X.509-certificate as "key". The stored data can pull simply with the mouse into the appropriate fields o...

    abylon LOGON iconabylon LOGON 11.00.2   (Downloads: 697)
    Secure and comfortable windows access protection with physical key The software abylon LOGON offers a comfortable way to protect your computer against illegal access. You only need to train your chip card, your removable media (e. g. memory stick), or a CD/DVD with your windows login data and in the future this medium is your authentication for the computer. It is possible to use a two-factor authentication as optional extended protection. Beside the physical key a master-password must be inserting. By leaving your computer you ne...

    abylon UAC-GRABBER iconabylon UAC-GRABBER 2014   (Downloads: 422)
    Execute programs in the administrative context, without UAC dialogue The software abylon UAC-GRABBER extends the security concept introduced in Windows Vista, called ?User Account Control (UAC)?. The program enables the administrative start of trusted applications without prompting the confirmation dialog box each time. In order for this the UAC security dialog will show only, if programs are executed without the knowledge of the user. An alternative start menu is available for Windows 8....

    abylon APP-BLOCKER iconabylon APP-BLOCKER 2011.7   (Downloads: 328)
    Blocks permanently nerving applications and services After user-login many applications start automatically and often invisible for the user. These programs can such monitor the computer activity, check for updates or run periodic tasks. Any launched application needs processing power. The more of these applications are started, the slower the computer. The software abylon APP-BLOCKER shows all applications clearly in a table, like the entries in the startup menu, in the registry, all running services and processes. O...

    abylon SHAREDDRIVE iconabylon SHAREDDRIVE 11.00.2   (Downloads: 461)
    Encrypted file clipboard (data drive)for multi-user access in networks The encrypted file clipboard abylon SHAREDDRIVE is shown in the MS File Explorer on the desktop level and protect your secret files. The complete integration into the Explorer environment simplify using of the software. The encryption and decryption with the e.g. AES algorithm is done for each file operation automatically in the background. The file-based structure allow the simultaneous access of several users and reduce the backup data transfer volume. The encrypt...

    abylon READER iconabylon READER 9.50.7   (Downloads: 412)
    Freeware for decrypting and verifying of files The encrypting with the software of abylonsoft is not an one-way. The free READER-Version verify, decrypt and unpack SME files. At this time the following file extensions are supported (Symmetrical Encrypted: CR2 / Asymmetrical Encrypted: CRP, PK7, P7M, VSP7, ASC, TBE / Signed: P7M, VSP7, TBS, SGN / Digital Envelope Files: SME). The functions are offered simply by the right mouse button of the File Explorer. The software offers also an integrated certificate manager...

    abylon ENTERPRISE iconabylon ENTERPRISE 9.50.7   (Downloads: 449)
    Innovative and professional security and encryption solution The protection of the computer and stored files against undesirable access is more and more important. This comprehensive software package offers innovative and professional security and encryption modules for private and business use. The encryption modules support the certificate-based HYBRID-System (PKCS) and the password- or secret-based SYMM-System. As secret are allow to use a password, a smart card, a USB-token, a chip card or a CD or DVD. The using of the re...

    abylon LOGON SSO Pro iconabylon LOGON SSO Pro 9.50.7   (Downloads: 281)
    Single Sign-On for Windows and applications with smart card, USB stick or CD For each normal user the number of required passwords are rising rapidly and to remember them all will be increasingly difficult. As a strategy, the user uses identical credentials for all authentication, easy to remember, but insecure. Also to write the passwords on a paper is not a viable solution. Thus undermined the required security and in fact it allows crackers a simple opportunity, such with phishing attacks. If your secret data arrive into the wrong hands i...

    abylon CRYPTMAIL iconabylon CRYPTMAIL 9.50.7   (Downloads: 268)
    Encrypting and signature of emails; incl. Outlook AddIn (X.509 / PKCS) Sending never again unencrypted emails. With abylon CRYPTMAIL offer abylonsoft an user interface and an Outlook AddIn for email encrypting (incl. Attachments). Only the owner of the private key (HYBRID-System) or the correct password (SYMM-System) can open and read this email. For any other person the content is locked.
    With the AddIn for Outlook (starting from Outlook 2000 / not Outlook Express) you can encrypt, decrypt, sign or verify of your email-data with...

    abylon CRYPT in the BOX iconabylon CRYPT in the BOX 2011.7   (Downloads: 258)
    The simple file-safe with automatic background encryption The easy-to-use software abylon CRYPT in the BOX is a secure safe for your files. All the files encrypted automatically in the background, without entering the password every time again. To access to the saved files you need to open den application window and enter the password only once. The free access applies only to logged in users. Changes in the files will be updateded in the encrypted files automatically. The file-based design enables simultaneous access to m...

    abylon LOGON SSO Home iconabylon LOGON SSO Home 9.50.7   (Downloads: 287)
    High secure and comfort through automatic Windows and application login Would it be nice if you should be able to logon only once to you operating system and all password-protected programs and services can use without entering the password again and again? The software abylon LOGON SSO Home offers this opportunity. During the Windows login a smart card, a USB stick or a CD / DVD can be use as key. An additional protection with a password is optional possible. After starting the desired software the passwords are entered automatically a...

    abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER iconabylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER 2014   (Downloads: 606)
    Lists Wi-Fi networks and find hotspots or free public access points In a strange city is the finding a free hotspot or public Internet access annoying, regardless of for business or leisure. The Windows built-in functionality is much too slow. In contrast, the software abylon WLAN-LIVE-SCANNER checked at regular intervals for any available wireless networks and lists them in a clear tree structure. Network name (SSID), connection status, network type, encryption algorithm and signal strength are displayed as additional information. ...

    abylon SELFCERT iconabylon SELFCERT 9.50.7   (Downloads: 496)
    Create self-signed X.509 v3 certificates (PKCS / RSA) for private use This Tool create self-signed test certificates (X.509 v3) for private use. It is very easy to create and you can encrypt your data with this certificate. Functional range: 1. Generation of self-signed X.509 v3 test certificates - 2. Automatic installation after the certificate generation - 3. Fields: Owner, Email, Country, City, Organisation and Department - 4. Key size 512 until 4096 Bits - 5. Runtime up to 9999 days (~ 27 years)...

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