Free download Gas Mileage MPG Tracker 2.1.1
Gas Mileage MPG Tracker is a freeware application which calculates and tracks your fuel usage and miles per gallon average. The program computes both highway and city miles per gallon and automatically averages your gas mileage over the life of your auto. The software calculates statistics for each individual vehicle as well as for multiple vehicles. It compiles stats on specific fill ups as well as stats covering all the fill-ups entered. Data can be entered quickly and easily with most all of the information and a quick browse section all on the main screen. This simple user interface is one of the main advantages of the software. With Gas Mileage Tracker you can record data on multiple cars, trucks, SUVs, motorcycles, boats, and any other type of vehicle. A number of additional MPG and gas mileage stats are tracked like total miles driven, total city and highway miles, average city and highway MPG, total money spent on fuel, and more. There is even a note section where you can write down notes to remind you of any specific details regarding a specific fill-up. This may be unique information like towing a boat, using different octane gasoline, perhaps a different driver, or anything else that you determine may have an impact on your gasoline efficiency. Additional features such as print outs and help are included. There are no time limits or reduced features in this free program.
Gas Mileage MPG Tracker 2.1.1 home & hobby, personal finance software developed by Duck Software. The license of this home & hobby, personal finance software is freeware, the price is 0.00, you can free download and get a free trial before you buy a license or registration. All Gas Mileage MPG Tracker 2.1.1 download links are direct Gas Mileage MPG Tracker full download from Duck Software site or their selected mirrors.
Keywords: gas, mileage, tracker, auto, gasoline, fuel, economy, car, conserve, mpg, miles, gallon, highway, Freeware, Home & Hobby, Personal Finance, Duck Software, Gas Mileage MPG Tracker
Recent Changes: Minor bug fixes
Install Support: Install and Uninstall
Supported Languages: English
Additional Requirements: 16MB RAM, Windows