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    C: \ Business \ Databases & Tools \ FoxPro Join Two Tables Software 7.0 \ Author

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    FoxPro Join Two Tables Software 7.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: Horizontally merge two FoxPro tables into one by a common column (field) of data.. (more)

    Author Info for FoxPro Join Two Tables Software 7.0

    Author/Company Name: Sobolsoft

    Country: United States of America

    Web Site: http://www.sobolsoft.com/

    Programs listed: 155

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    MS Access Extract Data & Text Software iconMS Access Extract Data & Text Software 7.0   (Downloads: 245)
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    MS SQL Server Append Two Tables Software iconMS SQL Server Append Two Tables Software 7.0   (Downloads: 217)
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    MS Word Meeting Agenda Template Software iconMS Word Meeting Agenda Template Software 7.0   (Downloads: 345)
    Create meeting agenda templates in MS Word. Word 2000 or higher required. This software offers a solution for users who need to create a plan for any type of meeting. Use for clubs, councils, and organizations when time needs to be regulated. This software will save you administrative time by quickly formatting the important information you enter. All data in the Word document is easily edited to match revisions and updates. Use as a poster, handout, and checklist. Word 2000 or higher required....

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    Download Entire FTP Sites Software iconDownload Entire FTP Sites Software 7.0   (Downloads: 336)
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    Outlook Export To Multiple PDF Files Software iconOutlook Export To Multiple PDF Files Software 7.0   (Downloads: 336)
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    Excel Export To Multiple XML Files Software iconExcel Export To Multiple XML Files Software 7.0   (Downloads: 250)
    Export a block of MS Excel cells to XML. This software offers a solution for users who want to create an XML file from the content of a block of MS Excel cells. There are features in the software to customize output: First row in the mouse selection is a header row, First column in the mouse selection is a header column, First row and column in the mouse selection are headers or There are no headers in the mouse selection. Excel 2000 or higher required....

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