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    C: \ System Utilities \ Text/Document Editors \ MaskIt 2.0 \ Author

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    MaskIt 2.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: An Acrobat plug-in that allows you to mask areas of content from a PDF document... (more)

    Author Info for MaskIt 2.0

    Author/Company Name: Mapsoft Computer Services Ltd

    Country: United Kingdom

    Web Site: http://www.mapsoft.com

    Programs listed: 18

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    Impress iconImpress 2.0.1   (Downloads: 197)
    This Adobe Acrobat plug-in creates and applies text stamps to your PDF pages. Impress is an Acrobat plug-in that enables text to be added to a range of pages in a PDF file (text stamping).
    An impression (Text stamp) can be set either as a watermark, which is on a layer below all of the existing text and images, or above existing text, where it can be used for headers and footers, page numbering etc. Variables can be set to define page numbering, total number of pages and date and time. Bates numbering is supported.
    It also support...

    SecuritySetter iconSecuritySetter 1.5   (Downloads: 168)
    This Adobe Acrobat plug-in sets the Acrobat's security features. Acrobat has various in-built security features controlling access to PDF documents. Within Acrobat these features have to be set on a file-by-file basis (by selecting the File > Save As menu item).Mapsoft SecuritySetter allows you to set these security features.Using the SecuritySetter tool you can set two types of password to limit access to your PDF files. Passwords can be changed or deleted. However, passwords cannot be recovered from the document should you f...

    PDFSplitter iconPDFSplitter 1.5   (Downloads: 145)
    This Adobe Acrobat plug-in splits an existing PDF file into separate PDF files. You can use Mapsoft's PDFSplitter tool to split an existing PDF file into separate PDF files.
    You can choose to split the file into a new file for each individual page within the existing file, or you can specify the range of pages which should go into each new document. In this way it is possible just to extract those pages you require from a large document and leave' the rest. If you wish, you can re-split a file repeatedly: the resulting split files will be...

    BookMarker iconBookMarker 1.0   (Downloads: 202)
    An Adobe Acrobat plug-in that creates multilevel bookmarks in PDF documents. A plug-in for use with Adobe Acrobat.Using the simple BookMarker desktop publishing tool's dialog box, create multi-level bookmarks to any depth easily and quickly. Using the Text Select tool from Acrobat's toolbar, highlight a sample of text whose attributes are used to define a particular bookmark level; for example, a heading or sub-heading. Other bookmarking tools limit your ability to create as many levels as you wish; BookMarker has no such limitations. With B...

    ThumbNails iconThumbNails 1.5   (Downloads: 175)
    This Adobe Acrobat plug-in embeds thumbnails within a PDF document. Mapsoft ThumbNails, an Acrobat plug-in, is a powerful desktop publishing tool that embeds thumbnails within a PDF document. A thumbnail is a miniature view of each page within a document.Thumbnails can be displayed in the Thumbnails tab located to the left of the document window (called Pages in Acrobat 6).
    You can also use the ThumbNails tool to remove any existing embedded thumbnails from within a file.
    With ThumbNails you can export the images from y...

    MediaSizer iconMediaSizer 1.5   (Downloads: 164)
    An Adobe Acrobat plug-in that converts the media size of your PDF document. MediaSizer is a plug-in for use with Adobe Acrobat which allows you to change the media page sizes in Acrobat.
    For example, most documents produced in the US are created on letter-sized paper and most in Europe are on A4. This product quickly changes PDFs from one media format to the other, without having to repaginate and recreate the PDFs in the original application.
    Several standard media sizes are included and additional sizes can be added....

    DocuMerger iconDocuMerger 1.5   (Downloads: 167)
    This Adobe Acrobat merges PDF files with an existing document. You can use Mapsoft's DocuMerger tool to merge material from an existing PDF file into another PDF file. DocuMerger merges a selected page from one document into another document. The document from which material is to be extracted (the source document) can be any length: but only one page can be extracted from it at any one time for merging into the target document.
    You can specify if the merged content is to be placed into document as an overlay, on top of ...

    TOCBuilder iconTOCBuilder 1.5.5   (Downloads: 213)
    This Adobe Acrobat plug-in creates a Table of Contents for a PDF document. The TOCBuilder tool allows you to create a Table of Contents for a document. Each entry within the Table of Contents can show the appropriate page for that entry (as in a traditional Table of Contents for a printed document). TOCBuilder uses bookmarks found within the PDF document to generate the Table of Contents.
    The Table of Contents is thus a powerful tool for navigating around your document....

    ContentScaler iconContentScaler 1.5   (Downloads: 168)
    Scale the contents of selected pages of a PDF document by a specific percentage. A plug-in for use with Adobe Acrobat. The ContentScaler Acrobat Plug-in reduces or increases the size of the contents of a page (or pages) within PDFs. This tool is especially useful for scaling the contents of documents that do not print correctly because their margins are too small, but it is also useful when coupled with MediaSizer (sold separately) to change the media size of a document. Anything within the annotation layer, including link boxes, will not be sca...

    DogEars iconDogEars 1.5   (Downloads: 166)
    An Acrobat plug-in that allows you to mark pages within a PDF document. A plug-in for use with Adobe Acrobat. DogEars is a desktop publishing tool for use with Adobe Acrobat for marking pages within a document so that you can quickly flip back to them when you require.
    Marking an electronic file with dog-ears is analogous to folding pages down in a physical book to mark your place.
    Once you mark a page with a dog-ear a symbol representing a turned-down page is placed on the top-right of that page. As well as using dog-ears ...

    ImagePlacer iconImagePlacer 1.6   (Downloads: 198)
    An Adobe Acrobat plug-in that stamps graphical images on your PDF pages. ImagePlacer is a very powerful publishing tool which allows you to stamp a graphical image onto specified pages within a PDF document. The graphic can be stamped as an overlay, or as a watermark. Overlays appear in the foreground of the appropriate page. Watermarks appear in the background of the appropriate page behind any existing text. Images stamped as an overlay can also be transparent. This means that the text beneath the graphic can still be seen/read....

    InfoSetter iconInfoSetter 1.5   (Downloads: 209)
    An Adobe Acrobat plug-in that sets the document information in your PDF files. InfoSetter is a desktop publishing tool which allows you to set document information in your PDF document(s). This tool allows you to set or change the standard PDF's document information fields as follows: Title, Subject, Author, Keyword, Index, Base URL....

    PDF Plug-in Suite iconPDF Plug-in Suite 1.0   (Downloads: 179)
    This Adobe Acrobat tool combines 18 of Mapsoft plug-in products. Mapsoft PDF Plug-in Suite is a desktop package containing the 18 following Mapsoft plug-ins for Acrobat that enable you to: Stamp text or images: Impress, ImagePlacer. Manage and/or modify your PDF files thanks to these utilities: MaskIt, DocuMerger, Flattener, InfoSetter, OpenOptions, SecuritySetter, PDFSplitter, ThumbNails, PageManager. Improve the navigation in your PDF file: BookMarker, TOCBuilder, DogEars. Process with PDF batches in an automated way or not: Ac...

    PageManager iconPageManager 1.5   (Downloads: 173)
    This Adobe Acrobat plug-in offers you facilities to manage your PDF documents. The PageManager allows you to create, remove, insert and replace pages from within PDF files. This functionality is similar to the Insert, Extract, Delete and Replace options within standard Acrobat but with additional functionalities such as the creation of a new (empty) PDF document and the specification of the size of any new pages that are to be inserted....

    Flattener iconFlattener 1.6   (Downloads: 190)
    An Adobe Acrobat plug-in that dramatically reduces the size of your PDF files. Have you ever wished you could always view and print mark-up within PDF files regardless of the platform you are using? Or that you could dramatically reduce the size of large PDF files?

    Well, using Mapsoft Flattener, you can achieve not one but both of these goals.

    Flattener is a useful software that allows extraneous interactive elements, such as bookmarks and movies, plus any unwanted mark-up, to be removed from your PDF files. It can al...

    Automator iconAutomator 1.5   (Downloads: 202)
    This Adobe Acrobat plug-in is a batching Tool Automator is a robust, very powerful, automation tool which delivers a professional solution for working with Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF) documents to your desktop. It is a unique automation macro builder tool designed to be used in conjunction with Mapsoft publishing tools, which have themselves been designed to assist publishers and writers in working with PDF files.
    You can select any of the Mapsoft tools for use with Automator, either o...

    OpenOptions iconOpenOptions 1.5.2   (Downloads: 199)
    An Adobe Acrobat plug-in that manages Acrobat's open options for your PDF file. OpenOptions is a desktop publishing tool which manages Acrobat's open options, including Initial View, Window and User Interface options. OpenOptions allows you to set these document opening features.It now supports the option of opening layer tabs (in Acrobat 6 or 7) and the attachments tabs (Acrobat 7)....

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