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    C: \ Communications \ Other Comms Tools \ GPSMonitor \ Author

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    GPSMonitor - Author Info Page

    Description: Track data and display graphs of satellite location and lat/long from a USB GPS... (more)

    Author Info for GPSMonitor

    Author/Company Name: Infix Technologies

    Country: United States

    Web Site: http://www.InfixTechnologies.com/

    Programs listed: 2

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    Network ping time graph and bandwidth monitoring tool with saved data history. PingGraph helps find and diagnose network problems by graphing ping times and and estimated bandwidth available on multiple connections. Email alerts inform you of networking trouble. Data is saved in an easy-to-use XML format. Graphs are configurable to show a wide range of time scales from 10 minutes to a year, allowing you to quickly identify short and long term trends, connectivity problems and packet loss. The XML log file size is automatically managed so you d...

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