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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Seasonal \ Dad Your The Best 72809 \ Author

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    Dad Your The Best 72809 - Author Info Page

    Description: This Fathers Day screen saver rotates images of dad as two messages scroll acros.. (more)

    Author Info for Dad Your The Best 72809

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Other listings by this author

    God Bless America iconGod Bless America 80509   (Downloads: 244)
    This screen saver displays the words God Bless America as American Flags wave an This screen saver displays the words God Bless America as American Flags wave and doves fly across your screen.

    The registered version plays music from three songs, Amazing Grace, This Is The Day and Put Your Hands In The Hand....

    New Year Celebration iconNew Year Celebration 122207   (Downloads: 235)
    Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syn Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syne plays (registered version only)....

    Snow Day iconSnow Day 122707   (Downloads: 197)
    This winter screen saver rotates winter scenes as animated snowflakes move aroun This winter screen saver rotates winter scenes as animated snowflakes move around the scenes to make a picture frame....

    On The Farm iconOn The Farm 71010   (Downloads: 275)
    This screen saver has a farmer riding a tractor as it rotates images of horse's, This screen saver has a farmer riding a tractor as it rotates images of horse's, cow's and pig's.
    Does contain some sound effects which can be disabled....

    The Stork iconThe Stork 71809   (Downloads: 232)
    This screen saver has a stork flying across your screen as clouds float by. This screen saver has a stork flying across your screen as clouds float by....

    Romantic Fisherman iconRomantic Fisherman 011808   (Downloads: 247)
    This Valentine screen saver shows a fisherman setting on the dock with his fishi This Valentine screen saver shows a fisherman setting on the dock with his fishing pole and can of worms, as romantic messages are rotated.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Last Supper iconLast Supper 90109   (Downloads: 214)
    This screen saver has a animated cross and an image of The Last Supper as it rot This screen saver has a animated cross and an image of The Last Supper as it rotates scriptures from the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

    Just Puppies iconJust Puppies 011008   (Downloads: 212)
    This screen saver has small puppies that run across your screen. This screen saver has small puppies that run across your screen....

    A Mothers Dream iconA Mothers Dream 41308   (Downloads: 235)
    This Mothers Day screen saver rotates images of a mother and child and various p This Mothers Day screen saver rotates images of a mother and child and various poems while hearts float around.
    The registered version plays music....

    Easter Egg Hunt iconEaster Egg Hunt 22908   (Downloads: 214)
    This Easter screen saver shows a boy running and picking up Easter Eggs. This Easter screen saver shows a boy running and picking up Easter Eggs.
    Screen saver has some sound effects....

    Turkey Walk iconTurkey Walk 112008   (Downloads: 269)
    turkeys walking across your screen as leaves fall from the top. Turkeys and pumpkins fill the background in this colorful Thanksgiving screen saver.
    There are turkeys walking across your screen as leaves fall from the top.
    There is a message that says, Happy Thanksgiving floating around the screen....

    Castles iconCastles 101308   (Downloads: 247)
    This screen saver rotates photos of various castles. This screen saver rotates photos of various castles....

    Dad The Chef iconDad The Chef 53008   (Downloads: 231)
    This screen saver shows Dad besides the barbecue grill and rotating these messag This screen saver shows Dad besides the barbecue grill and rotating these messages:
    You're The Worlds Greatest Dad!
    But A Lousy Chef!
    We Love You Though, Happy Fathers Day!...

    Easter Bunny iconEaster Bunny 33011   (Downloads: 389)
    This Easter screen saver has an Easter Bunny holding an Easter Basket filled wit This Easter screen saver has an Easter Bunny holding an Easter Basket filled with Easter Eggs that moves along the bottom of your screen.
    There are Easter Eggs that fall down as a message scrolls along the top that reads Happy Easter!...

    Santa Sled iconSanta Sled 122109   (Downloads: 228)
    This Christmas screen saver has Santa with a bag full of toys riding a sled as s This Christmas screen saver has Santa with a bag full of toys riding a sled as snow falls.
    There are messages that appear near the top that reads Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays....

    Haunted Cemetery iconHaunted Cemetery 91409   (Downloads: 264)
    This Halloween screen saver features a cemetery that is haunted by ghost and oth This Halloween screen saver features a cemetery that is haunted by ghost and other creepy creatures.
    The screen saver contains sound effects....

    Beauty Of Ponape iconBeauty Of Ponape 52708   (Downloads: 222)
    This screen saver rotates photos that were taken around Ponape. This screen saver rotates photos that were taken around Ponape.
    Some photos include volcanic cliffs, mountains, lakes and an old Church....

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