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    C: \ Business \ Office Suites & Tools \ MagnetSVN Personal (32bit) 0.7.2 \ Author

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    MagnetSVN Personal (32bit) 0.7.2 - Author Info Page

    Description: Handy Microsoft Office add-in for tracking documents changes using Subversion.. (more)

    Author Info for MagnetSVN Personal (32bit) 0.7.2

    Author/Company Name: Evgeny Knyazev

    Country: Russia

    Web Site: http://magnetsvn.com

    Programs listed: 2

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    MagnetSVN Personal (64bit) iconMagnetSVN Personal (64bit) 0.7.2   (Downloads: 299)
    Handy Microsoft Office add-in for tracking documents changes using Subversion MagnetSVN is a Microsoft Office add-in designed to track changes in Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 documents. MagnetSVN uses well-known Subversion version control for version tracking. Subversion is open-source free software well-known of its power and reliability. The main MagnetSVN features are: integration with Microsoft Office ribbon interface, support of most important Subversion commands, document status displaying, automatic local repository and working copy ...

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