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    Not rated yet...MITCalc Slender strut buckling 1.20   by: MITCalc

    MITCalc Slender strut buckling icon

    Calculation of the slender strut (column) buckling
    License: Shareware, Price: $18.00 US
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    Downloads: 1323
    Size: 1840 K
    Date: 2017-07-11

    Keywords: buckling, slender strut, beam, column, moment, stress, safety, DIN 1025, 1026, 1028, 1029, cross-section, area characteristics, permitted stress, Johnson, Tetmajer, Euler, Secant

    Not rated yet...Dose for Excel 3.1.4   by: Zbrainsoft

    Dose for Excel icon

    Dose for Excel is a powerful, feature-rich add-in for Microsoft Excel
    License: Shareware, Price: $9.95 US
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    Downloads: 808
    Size: 1256 K
    Date: 2015-09-02

    Keywords: Excel extension, filter column, remove row, extension, Excel, add-in, duplicate, cell color, import files names, excel backup settings, excel change case, excel comments, excel date picker, excel split, excel merge, excel delete rows, excel remove spaces

    Not rated yet...ConcreteCost Estimator for Excel 11.1   by: CPR, Inc.

    ConcreteCost Estimator for Excel icon

    Concrete construction cost estimating software for Excel
    License: Shareware, Price: $89.00 US
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    Downloads: 1203
    Size: 4596 K
    Date: 2015-05-15

    Keywords: Concretecost, Concrete, Cement, Construction, Cost, Estimating, Repair, Restoration, Excel, Spreadsheet, Pricing, Quote, Residential, Estimator, Contractor, slab, footing, column

    Not rated yet...KoolChart - PHP Charting and Graph   by: KoolPHP.NET

    KoolChart - PHP Charting and Graph icon

    KoolChart is a excellent PHP charting and graphing control.
    License: Shareware, Price: $89.00 US
    [read more] [download]

    Downloads: 716
    Size: 146 K
    Date: 2012-11-29

    Keywords: PHP Chart, PHP Charting, PHP Graphics, PHP Graph, column chart, area chart, bar chart, line chart, scatter chart, scatter line chart

    5 Stars - ExcellentInsert Multiple Rows and Columns Between Data in E 3.2.6   by: ACCM Software

    Insert Multiple Rows and Columns Between Data in E icon

    Insert Multiple Rows and Columns Between Data in Excel
    License: Shareware, Price: $14.95 US
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    Downloads: 270
    Size: 516 K
    Date: 2012-04-20

    Keywords: excel insert multiple rows, excel insert multiple columns, spreadsheet insert rows, spreadsheet insert columns

    Not rated yet...TMS Grid Pack   by: tmssoftware.com

    TMS Grid Pack icon

    A money and time saving grid pack, includes the TMS award-winning grid.
    License: Commercial, Price: $120.00 US
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    Downloads: 264
    Size: 683 K
    Date: 2012-04-11

    Keywords: TAdvStringGrid, TAdvColumnGrid, TAdvSpreadGrid, TAdvGridExcelIO, TAdvGridRTFIO, TDBAdvGrid, tmssoftware

    Not rated yet...SDEN - Distillation simulator 1.7   by: Vaxa Software

    SDEN - Distillation simulator icon

    SDEN - Distillation simulator of binary mixtures from 1 to 6 consecutive stages
    License: Shareware, Price: $24.00 US
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    Downloads: 544
    Size: 1729 K
    Date: 2012-03-29

    Keywords: distillation, simulator, Windows, program, software, alcohol, still, pot, Rayleigh, equation, distillate, concentration, mole fraction, water, mixture, binary, relative volatility, VLE, equilibrium, liquid, vapor, head, column, wine, whiskey, drink

    Not rated yet...SpreadsheetConverter HTML Std 6.2   by: Framtidsforum I&M AB

    SpreadsheetConverter HTML Std icon

    Converts spreadsheets to web pages that work like Excel. Sends forms via e-mail.
    License: Shareware, Price: $127.00 US
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    Downloads: 574
    Size: 9362 K
    Date: 2012-03-06

    Keywords: excel, spreadsheetconverter, convert excel, excel web, excel html, order form, excel to web, excel converter, convert excel to html, excel compiler, convert excel to web, excel to javascript, line chart, pie chart, bar chart, column chart

    Not rated yet...Discussion Column for SharePoint 1.62   by: ArtfulBits

    Discussion Column for SharePoint icon

    Component for organizing discussion without need to enable list versioning.
    License: Shareware, Price: $100.00 US
    [read more] [download]

    Downloads: 215
    Size: 1528 K
    Date: 2012-02-07

    Keywords: discussion, chat, rich text, rich-text, rte, rich text editor, column, columns, custom field, custom fields, sharepoint, wss, moss, controls, components

    Not rated yet...DataGrid Columns .NET assembly 2.6.49   by: RustemSoft

    DataGrid Columns .NET assembly icon

    DataGrid Columns .NET assembly for VB.NET, C#, C++ (DataGrid Combobox)
    License: Shareware, Price: $39.99 US
    [read more] [download] [buy now]

    Downloads: 269
    Size: 1018 K
    Date: 2012-02-06

    Keywords: combobox, datagrid, .net, vb, vb.net, c#, datagrid.net, datagrid combobox, columns, .net 2.0, .net 2005, combobox.net, Visual Basic, learn VB, VB examples, .net samples, project, Visual Studio

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