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RMCA Realtime MIDI Chord Arranger Pro by: Michael Brick

RMCA Pro is a high quality MIDI auto-accompaniment software.
License: Shareware, Price: $55.00 US
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Downloads: 1223
Size: 1567 K
Date: 2017-09-03
Keywords: MIDI, midifile, music, realtime, arranger, styles, virtual keyboard, stick, portable, random chord progressions
SecureBlackbox PHP 14.0.290 by: EldoS Corporation

License: Shareware, Price: $883.00 US
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Downloads: 955
Size: 23836 K
Date: 2016-03-26
Keywords: PHP, SFTP, SSL, TLS, FTPS, HTTPS, SSH, MIME, S/MIME, PGP, PDF, ZIP, EDI, AS2, AS3, Cloud, Office, XMLDSig, XMLEnc, SAML, secure, protocol, component
Swiss File Knife 1.7.6 by: StahlWorks Technologies

Multi function command line tool that belongs onto every usb stick.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 1382
Size: 1576 K
Date: 2016-01-12
Keywords: Multi function tool, command line, binary grep, tree size list, instant ftp server, line filter, text replace, dupfind, join files, md5 lists, run command on files, extract strings, detab, patch, tail, hexdump, no install, portable, for usb stick
CAD KAS PDF Editor 5.0 by: CAD-KAS GbR

Edit PDF files now! You can write annotations, add text, change the text etc.
License: Demo, Price: $79.00 US
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Downloads: 1389
Size: 7461 K
Date: 2015-09-17
Keywords: PDF Editor, CAD-KAS, PDF, edit, document, Acrobat, Portable Document Format, files, PDF files, create PDFfiles, PDF documents, change, delete, hide, information
PHP Obfuscator Phpobsu by: Softwareschmiede

php Obfuscator Phpobsu they encrypt their php code
License: Commercial, Price: $37.00 US
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Downloads: 774
Size: 8226 K
Date: 2015-04-24
Keywords: php, obfuscator, obfuscation, protection, protect, verschleierung, verschleiert, quelltextverschleiere, quellcode, quelltext, obfuscate, obfuscated, security, schutz, appfuscator, verschlüsselung, secure, protector, protect, programme, optimizer
CSV to DBF Converter 1.50 by: WhiteTown Software

Allows you to convert your csv (comma-separated value) files to dbf format.
License: Shareware, Price: $29.95 US
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Downloads: 812
Size: 695 K
Date: 2014-10-23
Keywords: cdbf, dbf, csv, convert, export, fast, small, win32, linux, unix, cgi, database, php, perl, dbase, xbase
DBF to DBF Converter 2.50 by: WhiteTown Software

Allows you to convert your dbf files from one format to another.
License: Shareware, Price: $29.95 US
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Downloads: 931
Size: 679 K
Date: 2014-10-23
Keywords: cdbf, dbf, csv, convert, export, fast, small, win32, linux, unix, cgi, database, php, perl, dbase, xbase
DBF to XML Converter 2.50 by: WhiteTown Software

Allows you to convert your dbf files to XML (Extensible Markup Language) format
License: Shareware, Price: $29.95 US
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Downloads: 1017
Size: 675 K
Date: 2014-10-23
Keywords: cdbf, dbf, xml, csv, convert, export, fast, small, win32, linux, unix, cgi, database, php, perl, dbase, xbase
Arclab Web Form Builder 3.5 by: Arclab Software GbR

Software to create php Email Contact Forms
License: Shareware, Price: $49.95 US
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Downloads: 597
Size: 12046 K
Date: 2014-05-16
Keywords: web form builder, php web forms, multi page forms, php form generator, contact forms, email form, HTML form, web form software, file upload, autoresponder
picture2web by: Softwareschmiede

create without effort and programming skills their own pictures gallery for
License: Demo, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 494
Size: 8380 K
Date: 2014-04-12
Keywords: picture2web, Bildergallery, Bildergallerien, Wasserzeichen, PHP, Gallerymaker, Webgallery, webgallerie, homepage, bilder verstecken, bilder dir=zerteilen, bildschutz, bilderschutz, image gallery, builder, thumbnailer, web, photo album