ContactGenie Toolkit 1.7.1 by: The Claxton Group

ContactGenie Toolkit - 25+ utility functions for Outlook '2000-'2010
License: Shareware, Price: $49.00 US
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Downloads: 217
Size: 9048 K
Date: 2011-12-04
Keywords: ContactGenie, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook contacts, Outlook custom forms, user-defined fields, Outlook contact export, remove duplicate Outlook contacts, update Outlook contacts
Genie Bra Puzzle 1.0 by: Genie Bra

See if you can complete this challenging digital puzzle of this lovely girl
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 255
Size: 303 K
Date: 2011-09-25
Keywords: genie bra puzzle game
DTDF - Columna destilacion McCabe Thiele 1.7.1 by: Vaxa Software

DTDF - DiseГ±o de columnas de destilacion por el metodo de McCabe Thiele
License: Shareware, Price: $24.00 US
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Downloads: 626
Size: 2252 K
Date: 2011-06-21
Keywords: columna, McCabe, Thiele, calculo, platos, teoricos, torre, destilacion, mezclas, binarias, destilado, alimentacion, recta operativa, ingenieria quimica, molar, etanol, agua, diseГ±o, volatilidad relativa, NPT, equilibrio liquido vapor, grafica, VLE
MCTH - McCabe Thiele Platos teoricos 1.7.1 by: Vaxa Software

MCTH Calculo del Numero de Platos Teoricos por McCabe-Thiele torres destilacion
License: Shareware, Price: $24.00 US
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Downloads: 383
Size: 2252 K
Date: 2011-06-21
Keywords: metodo, McCabe, Thiele, calculo, platos, teoricos, torre, destilacion, mezclas, binarias, destilado, alimentacion, recta operativa, ingenieria quimica, molar, etanol, agua, volatilidad relativa, NPT, equilibrio liquido vapor, grafica, VLE
PTTD - Numero platos columna destilacion 1.7.1 by: Vaxa Software

PTTD - Numero de platos de columna destilacion por el metodo de McCabe Thiele
License: Shareware, Price: $24.00 US
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Downloads: 446
Size: 2252 K
Date: 2011-06-21
Keywords: columna, McCabe, Thiele, calculo, platos, teoricos, torre, destilacion, mezclas, binarias, destilado, alimentacion, recta operativa, ingenieria quimica, molar, etanol, agua, diseГ±o, volatilidad relativa, NPT, equilibrio liquido vapor, grafica, VLE
Ingenieria Civil 1.0 by: Ingenieria Civil Blog

Civil Engeneer, Building and Construction ScreenSaver
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 306
Size: 1830 K
Date: 2011-06-03
Keywords: ingenieria civil, construccion, screensaver
AcronymGenie 1.0 by: Patrick Dey

A searchable database of computer acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 233
Size: 656 K
Date: 2011-01-01
Keywords: acronym, acronyms, abbreviation, abbreviations, initialism, initialisms, acronymgenie, acronym genie, computer acronyms, chat acronyms, internet lingo, smiley, smileys, database, dictionary, terminology, terms, glossary, freeware
Acronyms Master 3.4.0 by: SBS Labs

Acronyms Master generates List of Acronyms for Microsoft Word.
License: Shareware, Price: $85.00 US
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Downloads: 369
Size: 32250 K
Date: 2010-04-10
Keywords: List of Acronyms, List of Abbreviations, Acronym, Abbreviations, Word, Document Management, Proposal Management, office, technical writer, technical writers, technical communicator, technical communicators, word add-in, word add-on
ZaGenie.TV 1.0 by: ZaGenie.TV

Watch over 2000 TV channels on your PC and listen to radio stations worldwide
License: Demo, Price: $10.00 US
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Downloads: 235
Size: 993 K
Date: 2010-03-12
Keywords: zagenie.tv, tv on pc, streaming video, satelite channels on the internet, international radio stations, watch tv on my pc
ZaGenie.TV 1.0 by: ZaGenie.TV

Watch over 2000 TV channels on your PC and listen to radio stations worldwide
License: Demo, Price: $10.00 US
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Downloads: 248
Size: 993 K
Date: 2010-03-12
Keywords: zagenie.tv, tv on pc, streaming video, satelite channels on the internet, international radio stations, watch tv on my pc